We are excited to welcome both NEW and returning curlers for the 2024/2025 season!
Please complete the forms below and send to arthurcurlingclub@gmail.com or bring with you to your first night of curling or to the registration nights.
Informed Consent
Membership Options
Adult Membership
For those who curl 2 or more nights
Full Dues - $350.00
1 night or more
Per Draw - $135.00
Thursday Night Skips Choice League
Full Dues - $350.00
One Night Only
*Excludes Thursday Night
Full Dues - $305.00
Entry-Level - New Members
Full Dues - $200.00
Per Draw - $100.00
NOTE: First Draw is free and this only applies to entry-level curlers and does not apply to Thursday Night Skips choice curlers.
Sunday $85.00
Sunday + League Night - $150
All Dues are inclusive of HST and OCA Fees
Grand Valley / Legion Curlers Discount
We are pleased to announce that we will continue offering a discount for Legion and Grand Valley curlers who wish to participate in an additional league night.
The $100 discount may only be applied to full dues ($350) and one- night only dues ($305). This discount cannot be applied to the new member rate, juniors’ dues, and adult per-draw dues.